Hypnotherapy Treatment for Weight Loss & Sugar Addiction
Whether you want to lose weight or just stop the sugar cravings coming,
Hypnotherapy is an effective lasting way to help you on your journey
Keto, Paleo, Fodmap, Fasting, Vegan...
How many diets do we need to try just to have all the weight go back on within a week of stopping?
Is it time to stop dieting and create lasting sustainable results?
Whether you want to lose those last 5 or 10kgs, or simply eat healthier,
Hypnotherapy will help you create permanent results.
No more dieting,
No more losing weight, just to put it back on.
Create a healthier way of living for you to feel better, look better and have more energy to do the things you love.
To achieve your weight loss goal it is recommended that you use hypnotherapy to support you along your weight loss goal.
This is not just a 4-5 session treatment, but to construct a plan to help you along side your health and wellness protocol.
I approach weight loss from multiple angles.
1. Your association with food.
2. Emotional Eating
3. Beliefs around food and exercise
4. What habits you need to change to achieve your goal.
We will use hypnosis to help with the emotional side of eating, addressing any unuseful habits and associations that are in your way.
In the first session we will go through your short and long term health plans and how we can help them with hypnotherapy.
What Our Clients Say

Jennifer is your Clinical Hypnotherapist & Strategic Psychotherapist, Kinesiologist, NLP practitioner & NRT Therapist.
She works with people from all over the globe helping them work through their challenges in both their personal and business life.
From high-profile entrepreneurs, athletes and personalities, to her local community, Jennifer helps to guide you to be the best you can be.
Her passion is helping people heal from their past traumas in a way that they need to, for lasting results and consistent growth.

When is the session held?
All sessions are conducted online via Zoom. This gives you more flexibility to sit in the comfort of your own home, without the travel. Zoom is an app that can be downloaded on your phone, tablet, or website that can be accessed via your computer. All you need to do is click on the link provided in your booking confirmation email and follow the prompts.
Will hypnosis help me?
If you are ready to move forward from anxiety and can see the benefits of it, then it will benefit you. As mentioned above with the combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy, we approach this from a different angle than the older traditional hypnotherapists. We look at the underlying root cause of why you are experiencing anxiety, which will help you not only work through the events of the moment but any event where anxiety was previously present.
I have had hypnosis before and it didn't help. How will yours be different?
Any treatment is a combination of 3 factors, the practitioner, the client and the modality. It is important that all three work together in sync to ensure the process is successful.
Within our sessions, we will be using a modern Eriksonion form of Hypnosis which is not script based and will be curated for you, your needs, and the outcome that you desire. Traditional hypnotherapy had a success rate of approx 50%, the modern Erikosnion hypnosis which I will be using in our sessions has a success rate of 90%.
How many sessions will I need?
We normally say 6 sessions for anxiety, this will depend on how committed you are to doing the small amount of homework set out for each session. We like to space them 1 -2 weeks apart for the most effective results.
What can I do in between sessions?
The hypnosis itself that will be delivered to you in session is always recorded. These will be approx 20mins long and Jennifer will email this to you at the end of your sessions, this will be your homework to listen back to for the week following your appointment. We say to try to fit it in 4-5 times that week to really help the hypnosis set into your subconscious.
I have found with many clients that the easiest time to fit this in is just before sleep, although some clients tell me it is most effective for them upon waking up in the morning. There is no right or wrong time (just NOT while operating a car or heavy machinery), but the time that works for you.